Dark Sky's Apple Watch app will 'tap' your wrist before it rains


Dark Sky is bringing its weather-predicting superpowers to the Apple Watch

The company revealed its upcoming app for the smartwatch on Monday, saying it will be available when the Apple Watch comes out next month.

Like many smartwatch apps, Dark Sky's is centered around notifications. The app, which specializes in hyperlocal short-term predictions (think "heavy rain beginning in 15 minutes"), will notify you of upcoming changes in weather conditions.

"Getting a Dark Sky notification on your wrist just feels different," co-creator Adam Grossman writes in a blog post. "A little chime, a gentle tap on your wrist, and a quick glance; the effortlessness of it makes it feel qualitatively different than receiving a notification on your phone. It’s both far less intrusive and far less likely to be missed." Read more...

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