Want to save Meerkat videos to YouTube? Katch's hashtag wants to help


The meteoric rise in popularity of mobile video streaming app Meerkat has already resulted in the creation of a companion app called Katch that saves your streams to YouTube

Most Meerkat users are aware that the app offers an option to save their video streams on their mobile devices, but Katch allows you to simplify the process of preserving your memories while passing off the storage and distribution concerns to YouTube's servers

By adding "#Katch" to your Meerkat video stream description, you'll immediately alert Katch, which will then save your video, upload it to YouTube and then send you the link via your Meerkat comments. Calling itself "the record button for Meerkat," the service apparently includes long form videos as well, with some Meerkat videos running up to 50 minutes long on the Katch YouTube account Read more...

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