- Can be run from a USB thumb drive
- Restores all types of files, office documents, images, video, music, email, anything.
- Supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, NTFS, NTFS5 , NTFS + EFS file systems
- Restores files from removable media
- Restores files from external ZIP drives , Firewire and USB Hard drives
- It’s fast, tiny and takes seconds to run!
- Server 1 | Recuva Professional 1.51.1086 - (4.20 MB)
- Server 2 | Recuva Professional 1.51.1086 - (4.20 MB)
- Serial Number Recuva Professional 1.51
- Password (if need) : | Status : Tested (Windows 7)
Matikan Koneksi Internet sebelum aktivasi
Berikan Firewal dengan cara Edit “host” di Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
tambahkannya dipaling bawah dengan:
Langkah Install:
- Download kemudian extract (Winrar)
- Install Recuva Professional seperti biasa hingga selesai, kemudia jalankan
- Silahkan lakukan recovery wizard
- Jika sudah selesai, klik Switch to advanced mode - Option - About - Upgrade to Pro
- Masukan nomor serial dan klikn register
- Selesai