PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs

PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs
-Copy the Cpk file in Download folder in PES folder.
-Update the DpFileList.bin file (in  PES Download folder also)adding the choose CPK.
Here is the tool DpFileLIstGenerator by Baris and a little tutorial about to use it.
Download PES 2015 Serie A TIM BeinSports Scoreboard by Jesus Hrs

Credits :
My gratefulness to all the PES tool makers, without them nothing of this would be possible ,specially to:
- Jenkey1002
- sxsxsx
- Barys
- To the author of the program “CriPackedFileMaker”
- And to the PatchMaker Donyavia by one of his templates for a suitable positioning of the logo in the right corner superior, avoiding so it bothers the vision of the pitch, quite habitual thing in the rest of the Scoreboards 
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