Credit : zlac
- kits per team configuration
- kit types (normal, GK, CL)
- kit icons
- kit colors (for kit selection menu, etc.)
- add/remove kits to team (up to 10 kits per team)
- conversion of unlicensed team entries to licensed (to enable CL kits)
- ability to delete unwanted unlicensed team entries (e.g. duplicated teams)
- ability to add new team entries (e.g. for extra teams that you already created by yourself in Team.bin)
- ability to delete licensed team entries via popup menu
- save zlib-compressed .bin files - it is no longer possible to save uncompressed .bin files
- improved team filtering by name - filter boxes now accept all characters (interpunction, characters with umlauts, carets, etc.)
- hex color-codes displayed in color pickers
- export/import of individual licensed team entries via popup menu
- mass csv export/import for all teams
- colored mini-kit icons preview (based on PES 2015 kit icons - may not be 100% accurate for PES 2016)
- filters accept team Id's and team names
- .Net Framework 4.0
Credit : zlac