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Download PES 2016 SweetFX Final & Skin Enhancement Mod by Pesmonkey
- Skin enhancements works with any pitchmod/patch.
- SweeFX Final - if you use any enhancer's already you need to delete previous and install mine, other than that
it works with any mods you have.
- Eye texture enhanced - (brighter - colored and more defined)
- Arm/hands/legs texture enhanced - (clearer arm & leg hair/shading/more color tone/more defined features)
- Teeth enhanced (brighter - clearer and more defined)
- SweetFX Final:
- Use of sharpen to balance the blur from vanilla to have a much refined crisper image
- Sharpness is used so its not eye bleeding on menus and overkill (like other sweetfx mods)
- Color is not enhanced as game produces this well enough so no eye-burn effects
- Lighting and tone matched for bloom so white isn't glaring and shadows in day cast aren't too dark
- More overall crisper photo-realism feel combined with skin enhancement
1. Copy "pm_skintextures.cpk" to your install - "Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/download" folder.
2. Use DPFileListGenerator - select the cpk and
load last in list (highest priority)
3. Copy the files from the "SweetFX FINAL" folder and paste them to you install "Pro Evolution Soccer 2016" root folder.
4. Run the game ... obviously.
This combination of mods are for people who want a richer crisper image, vanilla and many sweetfx mods
tend to throw color and sharpness all over the screen (or no sharpness at all causing blur) to the point it hurts.
I have spent time balancing the sharpness & bloom features of sweetFX to get (in my opinion) a version that "clears up" the overall image.
The skin/teeth/hair mod compliments this (but can be used without it of course) to further push a photo look which works well if your also using other pitchmods and patches.
Hopefully the screenshots show this in action (check the "screenshots" folder included with download).
Credit : Pesmonkey
Download PES 2016 SweetFX Final & Skin Enhancement Mod by Pesmonkey
- Skin enhancements works with any pitchmod/patch.
- SweeFX Final - if you use any enhancer's already you need to delete previous and install mine, other than that
it works with any mods you have.
- Eye texture enhanced - (brighter - colored and more defined)
- Arm/hands/legs texture enhanced - (clearer arm & leg hair/shading/more color tone/more defined features)
- Teeth enhanced (brighter - clearer and more defined)
- SweetFX Final:
- Use of sharpen to balance the blur from vanilla to have a much refined crisper image
- Sharpness is used so its not eye bleeding on menus and overkill (like other sweetfx mods)
- Color is not enhanced as game produces this well enough so no eye-burn effects
- Lighting and tone matched for bloom so white isn't glaring and shadows in day cast aren't too dark
- More overall crisper photo-realism feel combined with skin enhancement
1. Copy "pm_skintextures.cpk" to your install - "Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/download" folder.
2. Use DPFileListGenerator - select the cpk and
load last in list (highest priority)
3. Copy the files from the "SweetFX FINAL" folder and paste them to you install "Pro Evolution Soccer 2016" root folder.
4. Run the game ... obviously.
This combination of mods are for people who want a richer crisper image, vanilla and many sweetfx mods
tend to throw color and sharpness all over the screen (or no sharpness at all causing blur) to the point it hurts.
I have spent time balancing the sharpness & bloom features of sweetFX to get (in my opinion) a version that "clears up" the overall image.
The skin/teeth/hair mod compliments this (but can be used without it of course) to further push a photo look which works well if your also using other pitchmods and patches.
Hopefully the screenshots show this in action (check the "screenshots" folder included with download).
Credit : Pesmonkey